Although berries, salads, fruits and vegetables are insanely healthy foods, they can cause chronic diseases. Why? Because they are all contaminated with pesticides – at least if they come from conventional cultivation. We reveal how harmful pesticides really are and which foods are more or less heavily contaminated with pesticides.


Pesticides are chemically produced pesticides, which are mainly used in conventional agriculture. They may contain chemical substances or microorganisms (also viruses). The use of pesticides is intended to prevent loss of yield, loss of crop or storage damage caused by insects, fungi, bacteria and weeds. Sensitive foods such as berries, pears, tomatoes and peppers often contain residues of pesticides. These residues are found in conventional agriculture within the legal requirements Allows.


The problem with pesticides is not the individual active substances, because they are less of a concern if they do not exceed the permissible limits. It is much more dangerous that many conventional foods have a true poison cocktail of several different pesticides. A Testing by Greenpeace could even prove that currants are on average contaminated with six different pesticides. Because a variety of different pesticides are permitted by law and these can be extremely harmful to health, for example damaging nerves or promoting carcinogens.

In several studies, pesticides have already been shown to contribute to the development of serious chronic diseases such as cancer, reproductive disorders, Diabetes, autism, asthma, Alzheimer’s, Parkinson’s and others. The American organization Beyond Pesticides Has created a database summarizing these studies and diseases. Quite apart from these serious consequences, the Weakening of the immune system, allergies, rashes and gastrointestinal complaints often observed consequences of pesticide residues in too high concentrations.


As already mentioned, it is mainly fruits, vegetables, nuts and cereals from conventional cultivation that have been shown to be 81 percent contaminated with pesticides. Particular care should be taken with food that is off-season are particularly susceptible to growth-inhibiting influences. In principle, berries, bananas, citrus fruits, grapes, pears, apples, tomatoes and peppers are considered to be heavily pesticide-contaminated.


Basically, pesticides cannot be washed off and even peeling the products does not help. On the safe side, when you click on Organic fruit and vegetables retracts. How the Consumer Centre announces, significantly more than 80 percent of the samples examined from organic farming are completely free of pesticides every year. For the remaining samples, the residues are negligible, only less than one percent of certified organic products exceed the maximum values. The reason for this is that no harmful pesticides can be used in organic farming. Organic certified products or regional food your trust is therefore harmless.

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