Most Businesses Will Shift to Remote Working Conditions

Business organizations are now contemplating on using advanced technologies offered by solutions providers in permanently adopting remote working conditions. Since many business enterprises have been using Quickbooks by Intuit, not a few IT decision makers focused on Glance, Intuit’s visual engagement platform provider.

As proof of efficiency and reliability, users of Intuit’s accounting software have to submit a glance review whenever they seek assistance from Intuit’s customer service team. The positive feedback made it easy for many enterprise management to choose Glance as their solutions provider in continuing business operations via remote working conditions.

Although initially intended as an emergency action at the time of the mandatory COVID-19 lockdown, the visual engagement solutions provided by Glance has convinced many that remote work can continue permanently

What Glance Offers Aside from Glance Intuit

Take note that Glance is described as a visual engagement solutions provider since the screen-sharing platform allows users to engage in visual communication with customers, potential clients, as well as among employees and officers of a business organization. The cloud-based platform can be accessed by way of a single click and make it possible for clients to present web-demos and sales presentations online with absolute ease.

During the lockdown period, many of Glance’s clients were able to access work being done from by employees, allowing supervisors to monitor employee efficiency and productivity in performing remote work. Now based on Glance reviews, the screen-sharing platform has been proven as also suited to meet the demands of large globally dispersed workforce.

Post-Lockdown Survey Revealed Majority of Businesses Plan to Permanently Shift to Remote Working

According to the 451 Research report, most companies are not in a hurry to reopen their workplaces.While some have plans to wait until to 2021 before finally deciding on actions to take upon reopening, about 20% of the survey respondents indicated that their company plans to continue with the remote working conditions beyond 2021. Fourteen percent (14%) of the respondents said that working conditions have already changed permanently, while 18% have yet to formulate a plan for implementing such changes.

After experiencing how to run their business under remote working conditions, it became clear to most business organizations that they can simply leverage advanced communication technologies as an alternative to renting out office spaces. After all, the lockdown period had a given them a trial run on how to carry on with remote operations. All they need to do now is to formulate policies that will ensure data security as well as productivity and efficiency among employees.

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