The Value of CCTV
Most towns and cities, businesses, and citizens use Your Smart Home Guide for security purposes. There are thousands of surveillance cameras, especially in London. With just over 4,000 video cameras in Manhattan, New York City employs the same strategies as London, and other cities throughout the United States have a similar path. While these cameras make many feel more secure, this technology can make others concerned about the loss of privacy.
This investment is needed to monitor important matters. cameras can cost up to $ 60,000 depending on the cost of monitoring the output. No. 2 Some CCTV rate is more than 60,000 or depending on the quality. Free market analyst Freeman predicts that by 2010, the United States will invest $21 billion annually in the system. The US closed-circuit television system market grew by nearly 700% between 1980 and 2000.
CCTV Reduce Crime
Does your monitoring experience indicate that surveillance cameras can improve public safety?
The camera industry is often biased because of the political agenda and the opposition of civil liberties. The answer is exaggerated.
Like for example, the title of a news article written by the (CITRIS) Center for Social Work Information and Technology at the University of California, “SF surveillance cameras do not prevent violent crime.” However, this CITRIS survey has resulted in cameras being very effective at reducing property crime within 100 feet, resulting in a 24% decrease.
Although the CITRUS study was very comprehensive and this study found that the camera had a significant positive impact, it was often cited as evidence that the surveillance camera did not work. However, the results are often not reported because the results may not match the agenda.
Camera records have proven to be used many times to solve crime problems. Police in Chicago estimated that the camera network installed in the city is an important tool, and more than 1,200 people have been arrested since 2006. During the same period, the Dallas Police Department arrested more than 1,700 people in the camera system. We saw all the news stories about the London Underground bombing in 2005. If there is no camera system that can track the perpetrator’s behavior, these crimes may take more time to resolve.