Medicine research scientists at the University of Michigan have found out that exercise promotes the production of a protein called Sestrin. They have proven that this naturally occurring nutrient is responsible for the benefits derived from physical workouts.
Sestrin as the researchers observed, accumulates in the muscle and opens up many metabolic pathways that lead to improvements in endurance, aerobic capability and respiratory functions, as well as trigger the fat burning process associated with exercise.
Researchers are Looking Into the Possibility of Developing Sestrin as a Health Supplement
Michigan Medicine research assistant professor, Myungjin Kim, Ph.D. and professor Jun Hee Lee, Ph.D. of the Department of Molecular & Integrative Physiology at the University of Michigan, are looking into the possibility of developing a Sestrin supplement that can bring on the known physiological benefits of exercise; but without the need to engage the body in any physical activities.
Now hold your horses, fitness-related entrepreneurs, the Michigan Medicine researchers are not looking to disrupt the fitness and exercise industry by recommending it as a replacement for workouts.
The research team conducted their experiments using flies and mice as test subjects, whilst still in pursuit of determining the positive effects of Sestrin toward helping older people and those undergoing physiological rehabilitation after an injury. That way, this group of individuals need not undergo physical activities that could only wear out aging or damaged muscles; or require them to suffer the painful effects of therapeutic exercises as part of their recuperation process.
When asked if Sestrin as a supplement is already on the horizon. Dr. Lee replied
”Not quite — Sestrins are not found as small molecules, but we are working to find small molecule modulators of Sestrin.”
Besides, Sestrin, if ever it reaches development as a supplement can only replace the physiological benefits of fitness exercises but not the mental health benefits. Take the case of yoga exercises, which not only increase muscle strength and improve muscle flexibility and tone; as well as other benefits like promoting cardio and respiratory health, balanced metabolism and weight reduction.
Underscoring the Mental Health Benefits Derived from Practicing Yoga as a Form of Exercise
Yoga as a form of physical workout can also improve mental health, since practitioners combine meditation and breathing applications with their physical exercises. The most significant mental health benefit of yoga is the development of coping skills that help in managing stress.
Stressful conditions have been proven to create devastating effects on mind and body. Their effects are revealed through sleep problems, headaches, neck and back pains; all of which could cause a person to lose concentration and at worst, inability to maintain a positive outlook in life.
The important thing about yoga though, is to take advantage of the technological advancements that make it easier and safer for practitioners to attain poses seen as difficult to achieve.
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